Governors have a collective responsibility for important financial decisions in the school and are answerable to parents and the wider community. Therefore they should have adequate financial skills. Every year the Governors audit their financial skills using a DfE approved skills matrix. This year the analysis of skills showed the Resources committee to have a full compliment of required skills. Where some individual Governors had gaps in their own skills, appropriate training has been identified.
As of 27th August 2020 there is a requirement for all maintained Schools to publish specific financial information on their School website, including how many school employees (if any) have a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more, in increments of £10,000.
At Somerford Primary School there are no employees of the school who fall into this category.
The Pupil Premium was introduced in April 2011 and is paid to Local Authorities as a grant. It is based on how many pupils are eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) or for children who are in Care (CiC) such as in fostering arrangements or whose parents serve in the Armed Forces.
Please click here to register your child or to check your family’s eligibility for FSM
Just fill in the short application form. You will need to give your name, date of birth, National Insurance Number (or your registered asylum seeker number) and your child’s details (name, date of birth) and you will need to put our school name in too.
The Council will then make automated checks to confirm your entitlement and if you qualify, they will tell you immediately, and write to you within three working days to confirm.
If it helps you, we could fill in the form on your behalf. You do not have to produce any paperwork for checking by the office staff.
Service Children (Forces Families)
Prior to 2014, Child Premium for Forces children was £300 per year. This funding is released to schools to support the emotional and social well-being of children whose parents serve in the Forces and who may be away from home on deployment. The Ministry of Defence has announced that the Service Children Premium will be extended to include children whose parent left the Forces within the last three years. Please do inform the office staff if one parent is in the Forces or has been in the last three years (2011 – 2014).
Currently the School has 1 child whose parents are in the armed forces.
Pupil Premium 2023 – 2024
Pupil Premium 2022 – 2023
Pupil Premium 2021 – 2022
Pupil Premium 2020-2021
Pupil Premium 2019-2020
Pupil Premium 2018-2019
The PE and sport premium is a grant from central Government designed to help primary schools improve the quality of the PE and sport activities they offer their pupils. At Somerford Primary School we are passionate about using this money to provide a high quality provision in PE across the school.
In the academic year 2018/2019 Somerford Primary School was awarded a grant of £19,130
This year the school has been awarded a grant of £18,980.
We will be directing our grant towards a number of key areas including:
We will review the impact of this grant at the end of the 2019-2020 academic year.
The Governors of the School have adopted the following policy relating to the 1988 Education Reform Act to comply with the provisions of the Act.
Residential Visits – the Governors reclaim the cost of the board and lodging of residential visits.
Peripatetic Instrumental Music Tuition – The Governors propose to reclaim the costs associated with tuition.
Optional Extras – The Governors propose to levy a nominal fee to cover the cost of those finished items that the parents wish to retain e.g. Design Technology, Art and Craft
Day Visits – Each visit will be treated as a separate issue and the Governors will request voluntary contributions from parents in order to maintain the present level of activity enjoyed by pupils of the school. This contribution will be non-refundable.